Creating a Product-Led Culture: A Personal Take

Creating a Product-Led Culture: A Personal Take

'Product-led' has been such a buzzword in recent years. The story goes that product-led companies not only harness great work cultures but are also set up for commercial success by this very culture and way of working. But what does it mean to be 'product-led', and...

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The Pitfalls of Radical Candor: A Critical Examination

The Pitfalls of Radical Candor: A Critical Examination

Communication is key. After running teams, coaching and also being a parent I realise that with good communication issues can be resolved quickly with the minimum amount of pain all round. A few years ago I decided to introduce Kim Scott's 'Radical Candour' concept to...

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From PM to CPO – Your Blueprint to Product C-Suite

From PM to CPO – Your Blueprint to Product C-Suite

The old adage 'be careful for what you wish for' can often apply to career moves or aspirations. Many product managers see moving to VP Product, Head of Product or even CPO a natural career progression. However the transition to C-suite might not be for everyone. With...

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5 Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier

5 Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier

In fact there are a few more than 5. In any case as I approach my 50th year on this planet I find myself reflecting a little on life and realise that there are quite a few things in both my personal and professional life that I wish I'd known earlier. Some are...

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Embracing the Hard Things: The Pathway to Ultimate Reward

Embracing the Hard Things: The Pathway to Ultimate Reward

We often dream of endpoints. Travelling to a certain place, launching a product or achieving a goal we set ourselves. But as we move through life as humans we come to realise that arriving at a point is often anti-climatical. Nothing stops, things continue. Our lives...

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QA Neglect: The Silent Killer of Software Projects

QA Neglect: The Silent Killer of Software Projects

Last year I jumped on a mini audit of a popular mobile app. I found that a lot of stuff wasn’t working well. There were a few bugs, some technical and performance issues, UX conundrums and I also recommended some minor UI tweaks. If the application was going to grow...

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Data Driven Disaster!

Data Driven Disaster!

The slack brush notification tapped incessantly through my AirPods Pro as I headed into the co-working space. Yet again there was a flurry of activity as another piece of ‘urgent’ data was being discussed in any number of channels. A swarm of voices began chiming in....

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Apple Vision Pro – A new dawn in spatial computing

Apple Vision Pro – A new dawn in spatial computing

Last week Apple launched their Vision Pro product: “A spatial computer that blends digital content and apps into your physical space, and lets you navigate using your eyes, hands, and voice.” When I first watched the keynote last year I was a little cynical that a...

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You’re Too Old – Ageism in the Workplace

You’re Too Old – Ageism in the Workplace

Last year my age came under the microscope in an organisation I was working with. It was called out in notes I discovered and my parental responsibilities were questioned when I needed to work from home on one occasion. It goes without saying that I left this company...

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F**k Agile

F**k Agile

Methodologies like Agile have become the go-to framework for many teams aiming to adapt to changing requirements and deliver high-quality products. However, it's time to have an honest conversation about the limitations of Agile and how, in some cases, it might be...

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Top Design Trends to look out for in 2024

Top Design Trends to look out for in 2024

Coming from a product design / design background I love the evolution of the craft and 2024 looks to be one of the most exciting years yet. In addition to visual design there are some great trends emerging in UX too, some of which I’ll delve into here. Over the next...

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